
Organizing Archive

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Organizing Ideas for Your Garage

Organizing Ideas for Your Garage

Jan 9, 2015
Happy New Year! January is all about clearing the slate, starting fresh and building good habits. That's why we're bringing you visual inspiration and ideas for you to clear out clutter and organize your garage for a more efficient and convenient 2015. (more…)
10 Tips to Help Organize your Garage

10 Tips to Help Organize your Garage

Jan 7, 2014
It's a new year and time to start accomplishing new goals! We at Smart Garage hope you had a great holiday break and are now re energized to start tackling your home renovation projects. If organizing your messy garage was on your list of to-dos don't hesitate to check out the top 10 tips for organizing your garage below! (more…)
Garage Fire Prevention

Garage Fire Prevention

Nov 15, 2013
Cluttered garages that contain flammable materials and often electrical tools are a prime space for fires to begin. (more…)
6 Reasons for a Fall Garage Sale

6 Reasons for a Fall Garage Sale

Oct 7, 2013
Even with Craigslist allowing people to barter goods on their own schedule and thrifted goods coming back into fashion, one cannot argue that the mecca of all thrifting experience is the traditional, family Garage Sale. (more…)
Avoid water damage by storing your items off the garage floor.

Avoid water damage by storing your items off the garage floor.

Jul 29, 2013
In the recent wake of the Calgary floods we thought it would be prudent to remind everyone of the perils of water damage and your garage storage. Protect your treasured items and use garage ceiling space to store seasonal and unused items. (more…)
How to Clean Out Your Garage Part II

How to Clean Out Your Garage Part II

Jul 8, 2013
Do you ever peak inside your garage with the thought of cleaning it but then just retreat in frustration? Does the idea of sifting through those years of gathered belongings  -- treasures and junk combined – make you cringe? Well the good news is that you’re not alone. (more…)
How to Clean Out Your Garage Part I

How to Clean Out Your Garage Part I

Jun 17, 2013
We’ve all been there, standing at the edge of our dangerously cluttered garage wondering how on Earth it got quite so bad. After a moment’s consideration we make the decision to clean it out. The intention is there, but where do we begin, and how? Take a look at these four pointers to ensure your garage cleaning efforts are precise and successful. (more&hellip...