Preventing 3 Common, Winter-Related Home Issues

House in winter

Your garage is not the only place that gets cold during winter. Check out these common household problems induced by cold weather, and make sure you follow these tips to prevent them.

Roof Issues

  • Check your roof out before the snow and storm start. A properly insulated roof can save you on heating, by holding heat in. Replacing damaged or missing shingles can prevent leaks and make sure you check around vent stacks and chimneys too.

Freezing Water – Ice Dams & Icicles

  • These can cause meltwater to back up and leak into spaces in your home. A weatherization auditor (or home contractor) can identify and fix air leaks in your home to prevent water from getting cold enough to freeze.
  • Clean leaves and gunk out of gutters.
  • Turn off exterior faucets to prevent freezing, expanding ice from busting pipes and causing a headache.
  • Drain your lawn irrigation system.

Cold Rooms

  • If gaps between windows and door frames are wider than the width of a nickel it’s a problem. Use caulking or weather-stripping to keep heat in and save on heating bills.
  • Reverse your ceiling fan (if it has a reverse switch) to push warm air, that rises to the top of the room) back down to where it’s useful.
  • Call a chimney sweep to make sure your fires are ready to be used safely.
  • Have your furnace inspected by a professional at the beginning of the cold season to avoid being last in line when it’s the coldest day of the year and you furnace decides to act up.

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