Garage Safety

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Smart Garage provides up-to-date news and information about the company’s products, services, and industry-related events.
This page features posts on topics such as new product releases and company achievements

Did you know June is Garage Door Safety Month?
Jun 27, 2014
Did you know that June is Garage Door Safety Month? Every June, the International Door Association (IDA) and Door and Access Systems Manufacturers Association (DASMA) makes safety a focus for garage door owners. We've listed some things to check to make sure your garage is as safe as it can be. (more…)

8 Tips to Prevent Garage Break Ins
Feb 25, 2014
Amongst recent news stories about robberies which target the garage as an entrance point, we thought it would be beneficial to share some garage security tips. Anyone with a garage is susceptible to this type of break in. Protect yourself with the following easy changes: (more…)

Garage Fire Prevention
Nov 15, 2013
Cluttered garages that contain flammable materials and often electrical tools are a prime space for fires to begin. (more…)